Before leaving the family in Guatemala, I bought pizza for the kids adults and students in the house so the grandmother Rebeca wouldn’t have to cook. The kids definably dig pizza. Perhaps that is true of kids the world over.
Then I headed from Antigua Guatemala to Tamarindo Costa Rica. I met Murray at the airport. Yeah! I asked and she doesn’t have anything to say to the blogosphere. I have noticed that in Latin America, they lag behind on a number of technologies. Fortunately they have mastered one American technology that I greatly appreciate that of fried chicken.
I heard people in Antigua talk about how great the fried chicken was and never got a chance to try it. I saw the same franchise in San Jose and Murray and I gave it a try. It was great. Of course, I like Kentucky Fried Chicken or Churches chicken so perhaps my standards are low.
It is interesting, when in places with lots of tourists, you get drivers used to tourists. They seem to have a knack for using simple sentence structures, speaking slowly, and using many of the words that are similar between English and Spanish. It is amazing how much you can get across when someone has some practice with low Spanish speakers and a willingness to work with you. With all the complex stuff you have communicated you get to feeling pretty good about your progress. Then you meet someone in the street that doesn’t have the skill or the patience as you try to buy a jugo de narange at a kiosk and you are immediately humbled by how much further you have to go.
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